Saturday, September 29, 2012

There Is No Place Like Home

The past two weekends have been almost 100% geared towards trying to mentally get back to the states. For two Fridays in a row now, I have spent the night in Kokoland where some of the other volunteers live. Not only do they have wireless internet but they also have cable television. During the week, I do just fine without TV and internet (we can only get free wi-fi at my school and McDonald’s which is about a 15-20 minute walk away and limited to only a few sites). Recently, however, when the weekend rolls around, all I want to do is forget about work, hang out with some great people, lie on a couch, surf the web, and watch some good old American television. It is just so calming and it makes being so far away from home a little less difficult.
What made this weekend’s visit even better was that, when I woke up around 10 am this morning (remember, there is a 7 hour time difference), I actually got to watch the second half of the BC vs. Clemson game. I was SOOOO PUMPED! Even though it was another tough loss, it made me so happy to think about all the amazing times that I have had at Alumni Stadium and how much I miss Boston College. Sure, there were a lot of things that drove me crazy about BC but I wouldn’t trade the friends that I made or the times that we had for anything in the world. It is very weird to think that this is the first year, in who knows how many years, that I haven’t been to at least one Eagles home game. In case it wasn’t clear yet, I miss everyone very much.
This weekend is also shaping up to be the second weekend in a row that I will go to the movie theatre and eat fast food from Carl’s Jr. Last weekend, Sara Morgan (who lives in Kokoland) and I went to see Campaign. Despite being a Friday night, the theatre was almost completely empty (Such a difference from the U.S.). Afterwards, we walked across the street and grabbed a quick bite at Carl’s Jr. before heading back to the house. I’d never had Carl’s Jr. before this year. I actually had my first “$6 Burger” in LA the night before my flight to American Samoa. Since then, I think I’ve eaten there twice. Along with 2 McDonald’s and KFC/Pizza Hut, it is one of the few American fast food implants on the island and it is not all that bad. It is especially great comfort food for whenever I feel homesick.
After all, it is AMERICAN Samoa
While it may sound like I’m struggling, I promise, I’m not. In fact, last Sunday, I went for a two hour solo hike along the mountain ridge that runs behind my village and the surrounding area. It was actually a continuation of the Blunt’s Point trail that I adventured with some of the other volunteers a few weeks back. I don’t normally venture around the island on my own but it was such a wonderful feeling being alone in the natural beauty of the island. I really do love it here, I like what I’m doing, and I know that, someday, I will talk about this place with as much fondness as I do BC. The fact is that everything that I love is at home. My family, my friends, and my fondest memories are all back in the states. No matter where I go, I’m always going to miss my home and, as long as it doesn’t become impossible to be away, there is nothing wrong with that.


  1. Hang in there! You've already said it all, but I'm sure you will grow fond of American Samoa. And rest assured, all of us here miss you like hell back!
